May 2013 Minutes


May 20, 2013

The meeting was opened at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Kevin J. Flint. Also in attendance were Trustee Louis A. Guido, Jr., Trustee Edward A. Harvey, Village Attorney Dennis B. Laughlin, Clerk-Treasurer Dorothy E. Johnson, Interim DPW Superintendent David R. Hajczewski, Maintenance Worker Todd Hull, Village Historian Gary Thompson, and residents Mrs. Alice Hurwitz, Susan Miller, & Craig Wilson.


The first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes, as sent to all board members in written form.

It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Guido, and unanimously carried,

RESOLVED, to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as written.


Checking Account 5/1/13 Balance

General $57,216.57

Water 565.55

Total Fund $57,782.12

Trust & Agency $ 521.50

Savings Accounts 5/1/13 Balance

Water System Repair Reserve $ 2,889.39

Cemetery Capital Reserve 11,137.05

Unemployment Insurance Reserve 5,169.86

Water Debt Service Reserve 29,491.58

Parks & Recreation Reserve 8,871.83

Sidewalk Repair & Replacement Reserve 233.33

Unpaid Water

Unpaid 4/1/13 $12,146.55

Paid in April 1,756.64

Unpaid 5/1/13 $10,389.91

Including interest, $11, 250.08 was sent to the county to be placed as liens on the tax roll.

The Clerk reported that total funds from the Spring Fling were in the amount of $2,392.80.

After discussion, it was upon motion of Trustee Harvey seconded by Trustee Guido, unanimously carried,

RESOLVED, to accept the report as given.

COMPLAINT – Craig Wilson

Mr. Wilson, who lives at 35 Maple Lane complained that the trees at the intersections and on Elm Street are in need of trimming and that he was told by the Village Attorney previously that nothing would be done and that he was only to talk to him about the matter. Attorney Laughlin was not in attendance at the meeting until after this discussion was in progress. (See letter of December, 2011). The letter, which the Clerk gave the Attorney to review at this time, was in reference to Mr. Wilson using profane language to someone about the Clerk regarding the above matter. Due to this he asked Mr. Wilson to turn any complaint forms, (which are normally turned in to the Clerk) to him instead.

Again, the board said they would assess the situation and see if anything needs to be done. If anything is to be done, it will be done after Memorial Day.

Mr. Wilson went on to cite laws on tree height, etc. and to say that he had damage done to a truck (semi) that he previously drove, from the limbs.

HISTORIANS - Gary Thompson & Sue Miller.

Gary Thompson, Village Historian and Susan Miller, Town Historian attended the meeting in part to discuss a project they would like to do in the village similar to the one in Sharon Springs. There are certain historic properties that have a glass enclosed sign in front of them describing the property’s history. They are hoping to obtain a grant to fund this. Trustee Guido suggested having a brochure made up to go along with it. Board members agreed to the project so long as the home owners are in agreement and if they would be in charge of a committee.

Mr. Thompson thanked the village again for providing military markers for the very old gravesites. He said he is still in the process of cataloging sites and has done quite a bit of genealogy work.

Mrs. Miller thanked the board for their support with the recent Psychic Fair, with brought in about 285 plus people. The board agreed with Mrs. Miller’s suggestion to host another next year.


Mr. Thompson also complained about neighboring property that has not been mowed or kept up due to vacant owners. He said that he has been cleaning up garbage and lawn debris from the property as it is an eyesore and unhealthy to his own home. The property is owned by Michael and Breath Hand and according to Mr. Thompson, it now has a for sale sign on it. The Clerk will try to contact the owners to maintain the property.


Mrs. Hurwitz mentioned the “No Parking Between Signs” on Lancaster Street being confusing and also the signs that are tipped to one side. DPW will repair the sign posts

CEMETERY LOTS SOLD, Deeds signed to:

Graham & Beth Humes John & Lorrie Hershey

6 Grave Lot 6 Grave Lot

Section B2, Lot 114 a- f. Section B2, Lot 110 a – f.

Lisa & Dan Heinrich Robbie & Carol McGovern

6 Grave Lot 4 Grave Lot

Section B2, Lot 106 a – f. Section D, Lot41 a, b, g, & h.

Cemetery Rules

After discussion, it was upon motion of Trustee Guido, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried,

RESOLVED to amend the Rules and Regulations of the village cemetery to include: There is a limit to two burials per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.



Mr. Hajczewski suggested changing the Jicha, Lancaster Street driveway from the wooden to a plastic culvert, which should work and last much better.

Lawn Tractor

The lawn tractor that is used in the cemetery is in need of replacement. It is smoking, then quitting. Mr. Hajczewski will get some prices and see if he can find something with a 38 inch mower deck. It was decided to trade in two of the present mowers if possible.


Attorney Laughlin has gotten a copy of a dog law from the Town of Otsego to compare with Cherry Valley’s. Upon recommendation of Attorney Laughlin, it was determined by the board that no changes are necessary.

Trustee Guido said he had walked with Mrs. Saba two times and several times on his own and had no problems with dogs.

Mayor Flint said he had walked around the village with no dog problems as well.

It was decided to continue monitoring the situation.


Trustee Harvey reported someone seeing garbage being brought into the village and left for the village hauler to pick up. The Clerk said she has a list of incidents. After discussion, it was upon motion of Trustee Guido, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried,

Notices will be sent to the property owners where it has been reported that garbage / recyclables have been dropped by non-Village residing residents asking them to not allow this practice to continue. If the dropping of garbage / recyclables continues after the notice has been given to the property owner, refuse removal from that property may be suspended by the Village Board.

COMPLAINT – Sidewalk

Trustee Harvey also has received a complaint that the sidewalk above the Tryon, Main Street needs to be swept, being very dirty. This will be taken care of.


Mayor Flint reminded everyone of the Memorial Day Parade, to be held on Monday, May 27, 2013. Board members will ride in the parade.


After review by the board, it was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded Trustee Guido, unanimously carried,

Resolved, to make payment on bills, transfer appropriations and budget amendments as follows:

General Fund Ch #’s10135 - 10177 $14,417.96

Water Fund “ “ 3,538.66

Total Fund $17,956.62

Trust & Agency Fund Ch # 1768 – 1777 $ 2,415.60

Including deductions – Social Security, Medicare, Federal, Retirement

Budget Amendments

From To To

Spring Fling - Auxiliary - A2705 $381.00 A7111.4 $381.00

Donation to Alden Field A2705 45.00 A7111.4 45.00

Transfer of Appropriations

From To

A1450.4 $ 52.20 A1325.4 $ 52.20

A1640.4 2,681.48 A1990.4 2,681.58

F8320.4 1,340.65 F1990.4 1,340.65


It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Guido, unanimously carried to close the meeting at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dorothy E. Johnson

May 28, 2013