June 15, 2009

The meeting of the Cherry Valley Village Board opened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jeffrey S. Stiles presiding. In attendance were Trustee Edward A. Harvey, Trustee Kevin Flint, Clerk-Treasurer Dorothy E. Johnson, DPW Superintendent Kelly J. Wright, and residents Lou and JoAnn Guido.


The first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes, as sent to all board members in written form.
It was upon motion of Trustee Flint, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried,
RESOLVED, to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as written.


Fund Checking Account Balance
Village General Fund $33,347.69
Water Fund 2,529.44
Total Fund $36,442.12
Trust & Agency Fund $ 588.45

June 1st
VG Fund $33,347.69 less unpaid water on taxes -8,558.63= $25,354.05
Water Fund 2,529.44 plus unpaid water on taxes +8,558.63= $11,088.07

Fund Savings Account
Water System Repair Reserve $ 1,263.89
Cemetery Capital Reserve 12,729.65
Unemployment Insurance Reserve 6,938.93
Equipment Reserve 2,876.29
Capital Water Debt Service Reserve 44,342.31
Parks & Recreation Reserve 2,910.89
Sidewalk Repair/Replacement 530.91

Water Bills – Are being figured at this time for the July 1, 2009 billing.

The two water users who had not paid their bills (and do not pay taxes) were paid in full prior to May 31st.

It was upon motion of Trustee Flint, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried to accept the Treasurer’s report as read.

DUMP TRUCK – Bid Opening

Bids were opened and publicly read as follows:

Smith-Cooperstown, Inc., Cooperstown, NY ………………. $26,222.00
Metro Ford Sales, Inc., Schenectady, NY …………………... 29,151.00
Don’s Ford Superstore, Utica, NY ………………………….. 28,975.00
Skinner & Damulis, Inc., Richfield Springs, NY …………… 30,513.83

After discussion, it was upon motion of Trustee Flint, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried,
RESOLVED, to purchase a 2010 Ford F350 from Smith-Cooperstown at a cost of $26,322.00, and it was
FURTHER RESOLVED to have the power down hoist added at an additional $100.00, totaling $26,322.00, and it was
FURTHER RESOLVED, to fund the entire amount with a Statutory Installment bond through NBT Bank, Cherry Valley branch.

Board members agreed that when the new truck arrives, bids will be taken to sell the old dump truck.

COMPLAINTS – Lack of Accomplishments

JoAnn Guido read a letter from her and Lou regarding issues going unresolved even though being repeatedly addressed – lack of maintenance to sidewalks, lawns adjacent to the Genesee Street sidewalk, board members completing the work here by mulching the area, the large puddle at the Post Office end of the new sidewalk, the walking path in the park barely visible when it could have been avoided by mowing in the opposite direction, lack of maintenance on the dump truck and lack of maintenance in many other areas.
Board members thanked the Guido’s for their letter and said they would like a little time to digest the information before discussing it. Mayor Stiles did say that the board would be taking their annual walk through the village to better see what is needed.


Lease is complete and signed. The Mayor asked to have the village owned items moved out of the building as soon as possible (rainy day) and taken to the Quonset building. The Clerk will go through the paperwork to see what can be gotten rid of. We will then get a truck here to shred them.

Mrs. Dubben asked the Mayor if he knew the whereabouts of the trophies that were in the village hall. The DPW will get these to the mayor. Artworks will be notified that the cub scouts had been using part of the building to store their recycled cans and bottles and they can decide whether to continue this or not. Also, the museum has items stored in the building that will need to be removed.

LAND ACQUISITION – Adjacent to Quonset

Attorney Green will have this finalized soon.


Board members agreed to have the Clerk apply for the funds to complete the work on the pumps in the amount of $8,200.00, at this time. The Clerk will write a letter of request to have the grant turned over to Artworks, as they now lease the building.


Rebekah Lodge – The Clerk will request an extension to the contact between the Department of State and the village for repairs on the Rebekah Lodge.


Donations were received from:

Margaret Yerdon ……………… $25
Historical Association ………….. 25
Kathryn Lane …………………... 25
MONUCAD …………………….50

George Alverson, Bates Hop House has offered 15 – 20 lilac trees to the village. Areas for planting were discussed. Mr. Alverson will show us how to prune the trees for the first couple of years.


Board members approved the purchase of two tickets to the Superintendent’s Clambake at Norwich, one for the Kelly and one for Dave, if they wish to have them. Kelly said he would get back to the Clerk if either wishes to go.
Note – No tickets were purchased.


Mayor wrote a very nice thank you to the members of the Cherry Valley Fire Department for washing the streets for the village on one of their practice nights.


Superintendent Wright gave his equipment update report. Trustee Harvey asked him to show the board paperwork on a small paver that he is interested in. The paver could be used for sidewalks, the basketball court and other smaller areas. This would be good if the board decided to have some of the sidewalks blacktop instead of concrete, which would be a lot less expense. The machine costs about $26,000.
Work orders were reviewed.
The barbed wire has been put back on the fence surrounding the water tank.
A sinkhole by the Limestone Mansion has been repaired. A horse stepped in it on Memorial Day.

Complaints- DPW

Trustee Flint expressed how discouraged he felt. He had promised residents during his campaign that things would get better and he hasn’t seen the improvement that he expected. He has asked numerous times to have certain jobs done and he stated that he is not seeing things done. He also said that his feeling is that the Superintendent should be given a 30 day probation period; “changes need to be made now”. Some of the items that he mentioned were that he had not swept the parking lot as asked, pot holes were fixed months later, ditches had not been tended to, Genesee Street sidewalk work incomplete, the truck box never got sandblasted and his refusal to wear the new (lime green) tee shirts. He asked Superintendent Wright if he keeps a regular agenda or schedule, which Mr. Wright said he does, by the week. Wright also said that he needs a pocket in his shirts and has the vest to wear if needed.

Mayor Stiles also expressed his disappointment with the lack of progress with the DPW. He has a list of several jobs that are not yet done, some several months old. He reminded the Superintendent that the Mayor and Board of Trustees (and tax payers) are the boss and he is to do what he is told to do. He further complained that things have been too stagnant, too long and things need to get done. He agreed that the Superintendent be given 30 days to improve his attitude as well as his quality and quantity of work.
Mayor Stiles also said that the board needs two weeks notice prior to employees taking vacation time (for planning and accountability purposes), not after the fact or the day prior.
He asked Superintendent Wright when he plans to begin sidewalk work. The Superintendent said he had no exact date, though sometime in July.
The mayor said he had heard that one of the pumps has not been properly working for quite some time and wanted to know why this has not been repaired. The Superintendent said he has ordered the parts.
Mayor Stiles and Trustee Flint completed/seeded the grassy area by the Genesee Street sidewalk. The mayor said he felt that this work should have been done long before this by the DPW.
He had received a very upsetting call from Mrs. Keller regarding the bench she had donated to the village cemetery not being put out this year. She told the Mayor that she would take it back if it was not going to be used. He stated that the benches are to be placed in the cemetery before the Memorial Day weekend celebration.
Wayde Clapper had asked to have the culvert at the bottom of Lancaster Street raised. The Mayor said he would like an answer for Mr. Clapper as to when it would be done.
Other jobs that were not completed when asked (on the mayor’s list) were: sod removed from the sidewalk by the Triangle, building cold mix and salt bins, painting the truck, topsoil to the cemetery, etc.
Board members agreed that the Superintendent would be given 30 days to improve on his work (quality and quantity) and his attitude.


Rainstorm related

JoAnn Tompkins, 58 Main Street has asked if the village could do anything about the driveway that leads to the Quonset as it washes out constantly. The Mayor told her that it is not village owned, though the village does have a right of way and he would see what we could do to improve it.
Jeff Bell, Wall Street, said that water is going into his garage when there are heavy rains. Mayor Stiles said the sod needs to be taken up in certain areas, which he will spray paint, to have the DPW do as soon as possible.

Jim Kosinski, Lancaster Street complained about water coming down the street and taking out his sidewalk.

Board members agreed that Lancaster Street definitely needs work and they will take a good look at what can be done this summer.


Complaints have been received that cats are urinating on other people’s property – porch furniture in particular and digging in gardens. Most of the complaints are in the mid-Main Street/Maiden Lane area. The Clerk was asked to place a notice regarding the owner’s responsibility in the next news letter.

Roof/Balcony, Main Street

Work has begun on 1-3 Main Street where the roof and seconded floor porch are deteriorating. Board members will make sure the code office is involved as the roofing could cause snow and ice to fall off.

Noonan- Main Street Creek

A complaint from William Ryan, Church Street was acknowledged. Previously, the creek had been re-routed behind the Greg Noonan property. The culvert has since come up and is causing the water to overflow onto the properties of homeowners on Church Street. Mr. Ryan said he has had water in his cellar two days in the past week. This is also making a sinkhole by the box culvert on Church Street. Attorney Green has sent a letter to Mr. Noonan regarding the problem and board members will meet with him to further discuss how he can solve the problem.


After review by the board, it was upon motion of Trustee Flint, seconded Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried,
Resolved, to make payment on bills and transfer appropriations as follows:

General Fund Ch #’s 7788 - 7830 $13,289.99
Water Fund “ “ 2,619.47
Total Fund $15,909.46
Trust & Agency Fund Ch #’s 1460 - 1464 $ 1,785.83

Transfer of Appropriations

To From
A1430.1 $ 56.12 A5110.1 $ 56.12
A1210.4 6.07 A1325.4 6.07
A1450.4 38.00 A1325.4 38.00
A5110.4’ 100.00 A1490.4’ 100.00
A7111.4 630.80 A7110.4 388.87
A7550.1 200.00
A8160.4’ 962.73
A1620.4 47.57 A1640.4 47.57
A5110.4 2,288.76 A5110.1 1,499.38
A5182.4 789.38
A8510.4 962.73 A1990.4 962.73

F8310.1 56.13 F8340.1 56.13
F8340.4 1,348.97 F1990.4 1,348.97


It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Flint, unanimously carried to close the meeting at 9:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dorothy E. Johnson
June 25, 2009

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