Organizational meeting minutes

April 2, 2018

Meeting opened at 7:02 PM by Mayor Louis A. Guido with the Pledge to the Flag.  Mayor Louis A. Guido, Trustee Conway M. Bishop, Trustee Ian M. Feulner and Clerk-Treasurer Amy S. Herr present.  Also present Dennis Laughlin and JoAnn Guido.

Budget Hearing
Motion made by Trustee Bishop, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried to open the Budget Hearing at 7:03 PM.

Proposed - Appointments as of 4/2/2108 and Salaries as of 6/1/18
Mayor – Louis Guido, elected to 4/21                                                           $1925.00 annual
Trustee – Conway Bishop, elected to 4/21                                                    $1650.00 annual
Trustee – Ian Feulner, elected to 4/22                                                           $1650.00 annual
Deputy Mayor – Conway Bishop, appointed to 4/19                                    $100.00 annual
Attorney – Hyde Clarke, attorney with the law firm Young/Sommer          $4000.00 annual (as of 4/2/18)
Clerk-Treasurer, Records Keeper, Tax Collector
Amy Herr – Appointed to 4/19 – w/benefits, no health ins.                          $22,464.00 for
1248 hours annually
Registrar of Vital Statistics – Amy Herr, appointed to 4/19                         $250.00
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer & Deputy Registrar            - Eileen Kerzick                     $14.00/hour
Interim DPW Superintendent – David Hajczewski,                                      $39,228.00 annually
app. annually w/benefits, inc. health ins. 
Maintenance Worker – vacant, w/benefits, no health ins.                            $13.00/hour w/o water license
                                                                                                                        $14.00/hr w/water lic.
Part-time Cemetery Worker – Joshua Ingles                                                 $11.50/ hour
Other Part-time laborers- hired as needed                                                     $12.00/hour
Election Inspectors – none needed                                                                
Public Health Officer – Brenda Davies-Wait, DO appointed to 4/19           $0.00
Historian – Susan Miller – Appointed annually                                            $200.00
Park Maintenance – Kevin Flint - Appointed annually                                 $100.00
Building Inspector – Jeff Stiles- Appointed annually                                   $250.00

Planning Board
Dennis Laughlin, Chair, 7 yr. term to 4/22
            Discussion held regarding the Planning Board.  Trustee Feulner has one village resident who may be interested in serving on the Planning Board.  Dennis Laughlin stated that there is no reason for the Planning Board to schedule meetings at this time as there is no Land Use Ordinance in place for the Village.  The only reason would be if the Village Board wants the Planning Board to be working on finalizing a Land Use Ordinance.  The other option would be to disband the Planning Board if the Village Board sees no reason for the Land Use Ordinance.

The above noted Appointments were made by Mayor Guido.  Motion made by Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Bishop, unanimously carried to approve the appointments and associated salaries as listed.

Official Bank – NBT Bank of Norwich, Cherry Valley Branch
Official Newspaper- Daily Star, Oneonta
Official Board Meeting- 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
Authorization for Clerk to pay utilities, health insurance, postage, and small items to run office and equipment as needed, prior to board meeting approval
Interest Rate Charge- 5% first month, with 1% added each month thereafter.
Copies - $ .25 each
Classes/work related meetings to be reviewed as requested at a Regular Meeting of the Board.
Work related travel – Reimbursed at current IRS rate.
Meals- If not included with class/conference $45.00 per day.
Bounced check fee- $20.00
County Sales Tax receipts – 75% to General Fund. 25% to Water Fund
All Employees- Offered NYS Retirement (required for Full-time employees) & Deferred Compensation Plan
Policies – Investment, Procurement, Code of Ethics, Prohibition of Sexual Harassment, Drug Free Work Place, Meal Reimbursement, Emergency Preparedness Plan, Water Restriction During Drought Emergency, Hazardous Mitigation Plan, Limited English Proficiency Plan, Clerk/Deputy Clerk Segregation of Duties, DPW Guidelines.
Cemetery Charges & Rules
Water Charges/Rules

Motion made by Trustee Bishop, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried to accept and continue the above Policies and Procedures.

Other Business

Discussion held to create a position for Consultant to the Village Board.  The consultant would be available to the Board as a resource with no voting power at the meetings.  Motion made by Trustee Bishop, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried
RESOLVED to have a Consultant to the Village Board created to be appointed annually as needed.

Replacement for the vacant Maintenance Worker position was discussed.  Interviews will be held on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 beginning at 6 PM.  Changes will be made to the Holiday Schedule which will eliminate Election Day and the day after Thanksgiving as Holidays for all employees.  No Health Insurance will be offered to new employees.  Salary will be offered at $13.00/hour without Water License and $14.00/hour with Water License.

Cell Phone policy discussed for no cell phone use during Village Meetings.  Motion made by Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Bishop, unanimously carried
RESOLVED that there will be no cell phone usage during Village Board Meetings.

Mayor Guido asked if anyone present had any comments to make on the Proposed Budget.  No comments were made.  Motion made by Trustee Bishop, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried to close the Budget Hearing at 7:46 PM.

Proposed Budget
Total                                       General                                  Water
Appropriations                       $401,734.37                            $279,608.78                            $122,125.59
Revenues Other than              $179,590.00                            $  62,685.00                            $116,905.00
Real Property Taxes                    
Appropriated Cash Surplus    $      750.00                             $       750.00
Appropriated Reserve            $ 35,219.37                             $  29,998.78                            $  5,2210.59
Balance to be raised by
Real Property Taxes               $186,175.00                            $186,175.00
Total Revenue                        $401,734.37                            $279,608.78                            $122,125.59

Proposed Rate 6.1676 per thousand                            $8.40 per thousand gallons
0.2772 per thousand increase                                                 $0.00 increase

Motion made by Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Bishop, unanimously carried to accept the above Budget.

Motion made by Trustee Bishop, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried
RESOLVED to schedule the next Organizational Meeting for the Village of Cherry Valley on Monday, April 1, 2019 at 7 PM.

Motion made by Trustee Bishop, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Amy S. Herr, Clerk-Treasurer
April 3, 2018

March 2018 minutes

March 19, 2018

Meeting opened at 7:01 PM by Mayor Guido with the Pledge to the Flag.  In attendance were Mayor Louis A. Guido, Trustee Conway M. Bishop, Trustee Edward Harvey, Dennis Laughlin, Attorney, Amy Herr, Clerk-Treasurer and David Hajczewski, Interim DPW Superintendent.  Also present were Karey Foster, Casella Waste, Bryan and Jennifer Larrabee, Home Town Hauling, Ray Freer, JoAnn Guido, Allan Parker, Michael Freer, Matthew Freer, Ian Feulner, Madeline Godman, Todd Gohde, Dan Heinrich and Will Heinrich.

Bids for Refuse and Recycling Removal were opened.  The bids received were as follows:
B.N.C., Inc.                               $46,800.00
On Time Waste                          $44,740.00
Casella Waste                             $63,500.00
Waste Recovery Enterprises       $44,688.00
Casella Waste Alternate proposal was submitted.  Example amount of a monthly billing in the amount of $3758.00.

Approval of the February minutes and Budget Workshop minutes as members received in written form.  It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Bishop, unanimously carried, to accept the minutes as written.

Checking Account

3/01/18 Balance


Total Fund

Trust & Agency

Savings Accounts

3/01/18 Balance
Water System Repair Reserve

Cemetery Capital Reserve

Unemployment Insurance Reserve

Water Debt Service Reserve

Parks & Recreation Reserve

Sidewalk Repair & Replacement Res

James Wait Basketball Court Fund

Water Unpaid 2/1/18


Billed in February

Paid in February

Unpaid 3/1/18

It was upon motion of Trustee Bishop, seconded by Trustee Harvey,
unanimously carried,
RESOLVED, to accept the report as given.


          Michael Freer presented a proposal to allow ATVs to operate on some of the Village streets.  This would allow them to get into and out of the Village legally, access the Quickway to get gas and to other areas in the Village.  He suggested that a time limit of 8 AM to 8 PM should be imposed.  The Board asked if he has approached the Town of Cherry Valley about using Town roads.  Michael Freer has not approached the Town about that, or contacted the State or County about their roads.  Michael Freer was advised that the Board will discuss this and notify if any changes are made.


          Todd Gohde asked about a response to the email he sent to Mayor Guido regarding concerns he has about possible DEC violations in the Village.  He stated that he has concerns about how a complaint was handled regarding piles of material that are near the creek on Glensfoot’s property.  He has remedied the situation as advised to him by Otsego Soil and Water.


          Dave Hajczewski gave a written report of the DPW activities for review by the Board. 
LED replacement light bulbs have been located at Lowes for the shop at a cost of $2.50/ bulb.  There are 62 bulbs to be replaced.  Approval to purchase the bulbs was given.


          It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Bishop, unanimously carried
          RESOLVED to pay the Election Inspectors following the Election on March 20, 2018.


          Tentative budget with changes from the Budget Workshop was available for Board review.  No further changes were made at this meeting.


          It was upon motion of Trustee Bishop, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried
          RESOLVED to hold the Annual Organizational Meeting and Budget Hearing on Monday, April 2, 2018 at 7 PM at the Village Office.


          It was on motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Bishop, unanimously carried
          RESOLVED to award the Refuse and Recycling Bid to Waste Recovery Enterprises as it was the lowest responsible bid in the amount of $44,688.00 for the fiscal year 2018-2019.

          Cody Duncan has submitted his resignation from the position of Maintenance Worker effective March 29, 2018.  Discussion was held regarding the position. 
          It was on motion of Trustee Bishop, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried
          RESOLVED to advertise for acceptance of applications for the position of Maintenance Worker.


          Mayor Guido has been in contact with the Department of Labor regarding the cleanup of the fire remnants at 8 Lancaster Street.  The remnants would need to be tested for asbestos.  Mayor Guido has been in touch with Matt Weintraub, Atlantic Environmental Consultant, who has agreed to waive his fee for the testing. 

          JoAnn Guido presented information from the Greater Mohawk Valley Land Bank that she has received.  Robert Albrecht from the Greater Mohawk Valley Land Bank will come to a meeting to discuss this further.  They have money available to assist in rehabilitating properties that have become a blight within the Village.  Otsego County already belongs to the Land Bank.  For residents to access these funds the Board would have to pass a resolution to join the Land Bank.
It was upon motion of Trustee Bishop, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried,
RESOLVED that the Village of Cherry Valley endorses the Greater Mohawk Valley Land Bank and expresses its desire to enter into conversations with the Greater Mohawk Valley Land Bank to discover mutually beneficial elements of collaboration between the two parties.

Discussion was held regarding the request for designated ATV streets in the Village.  There is a concern about the liability to the Village and that the other entities outside of the Village have not been approached for their approval as of this date.

It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Bishop, unanimously carried
RESOLVED to not approve and ATV streets in the Village of Cherry Valley at this time.

Discussion was held about difficulties that have been encountered in applying for a credit card for the Village through NBT Bank as the Village does not have a record of the Articles of Incorporation and they were not able to be located at the County Clerk’s Office either.

It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Bishop, unanimously carried
RESOLVED to apply for a credit card for the Village of Cherry Valley with a bank that will not require this documentation.        


After review by the board, it was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Bishop, unanimously carried,
RESOLVED to make payment on bills and budget modifications as follows:
General Fund
Ch. #’s 12873-12916
Water Fund                                     
Total Fund

Trust and Agency Fund
Ch # 1907 & auto deductions

To                                                        From                                                   
A1040.4                $200.00                 A1990                   $200.00
A1325.4                $300.00                 A1990                   $300.00
A1640.4                $1000.00               A1990                   $1000.00


          The meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Bishop.

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy S. Herr, Clerk-Treasurer
March 26, 2018