October 2018 Minutes

October 15, 2018

Meeting opened at 7:00 PM by Mayor Guido with the Pledge to the Flag.  In attendance were Mayor Louis A. Guido, Trustee Ian Feulner and Amy Herr, Clerk-Treasurer and Edward Harvey, Consultant.  Trustee Conway Bishop was excused.  Also present were Dennis Laughlin and Linda Wegner, Advancing Tobacco Free Communities.

Approval of the September minutes as members received in written form.  It was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Mayor Guido, unanimously carried, to accept the minutes as written.

Checking Account

10/01/18 Balance


Total Fund

Trust & Agency

Savings Accounts

10/01/18 Balance
Water System Repair Reserve

Cemetery Capital Reserve

Unemployment Insurance Reserve

Water Debt Service Reserve

Parks & Recreation Reserve

Sidewalk Repair & Replacement Res

General Fund Savings

Taxes Unpaid 9/1/18
Water Unpaid 9/1/18

Paid in September
Billed in September
Unpaid 10/1/18

It was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Mayor Guido, unanimously carried, to accept the report as given.


          Linda Wegner from Advancing Tobacco Free Communities presented information on her program.  She gave the Board a packet of information regarding this.  Her agency can provide signage if the Village decides to establish Alden Field and/or other Village owned property as a smoke free zone.  They also have large signs that can be put out when events are held on the field.  The Board will discuss this later in the meeting.


          DPW report was given in written form from Interim DPW Superintendent David Hajczewski.

          The fifty water meters that were ordered have arrived.  A list of addresses where the meters are not working, need inside readings or have other issues has been done.  This will be reviewed by David Hajczewski to see if there are any others that need to be prioritized over the ones on the list for replacement.  Work to begin soon on replacing the water meters.


          Workplace Violence and Sexual Harassment training has been mandated for all staff and members of the Board.  This can be provided after the beginning of the year by Bob Satriano who is the trainer for Otsego County.  Contact will be made with Tom Garretson, Town Supervisor to see if the Town would want to do this as a joint training.  The training will then be scheduled.


          Discussion was held regarding paying off the remainder of the rent to the CVCFC for this fiscal year to help with their current financial issues.  It was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Mayor Guido, unanimously carried to pay the remaining seven months of rent in a lump sum at the beginning of November 2018.


          An email was that received from Attorney Clarke with updated information about 8 Lancaster Street was read.  The title report has been received showing no mortgages or liens.  Documents for filing in court have been drafted and will be submitted as soon as they are received back from the County Codes Office.  Following a 30 day waiting period after the Notice Documents are filed with the court, a petition will be filed with the hope that a decision will be received from the court before the end of the year.

          Dennis Laughlin stated that there is a meeting at the school this week about a possible Solar Farm being installed, in which he is opposed to the location.  The company that is installing the Solar Farm may be a contact for the Village for the solar project that has been discussed by the Village.

          Dennis Laughlin inquired about Mayor Guido and Attorney Clarke’s presence at the Town Court on October 10, 2018.  He was advised that it was due to a ticket that had been issued by the DEC for dumping lumber.  The ticket has been resolved with the court.

          Discussion held about a Tobacco Free policy for the Village owned or leased parks.  It was decided to table any decisions until the November meeting.


After review by the board, it was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Mayor Guido, unanimously carried to make payment on bills and budget modifications as follows:

General Fund
Ch. #’s 13215-13278 & EFT #5
Water Fund                                     
Ch. #’s 13215-13278 & EFT #5
Total Fund
Ch. #’s 13215-13278 & EFT #5
Trust and Agency Fund
Ch. # 1916 & auto deductions

Budget Modifications


          The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Mayor Guido, unanimously carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy S. Herr, Clerk-Treasurer
October 16, 2018

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