January 2019 minutes

January 21, 2019

Meeting opened at 7:00 PM by Mayor Guido with the Pledge to the Flag.  In attendance were Mayor Louis A. Guido, Trustee Ian Feulner and Amy Herr, Clerk-Treasurer.  Trustee Conway Bishop was excused.

Approval of the December minutes as members received in written form.  It was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Mayor Guido, unanimously carried, to accept the minutes as written.

Checking Account

01/01/19 Balance


Total Fund

Trust & Agency

Savings Accounts      

01/01/19 Balance
Water System Repair Reserve

Cemetery Capital Reserve

Unemployment Insurance Reserve

Water Debt Service Reserve

Parks & Recreation Reserve

Sidewalk Repair & Replacement Res

General Fund Savings

Taxes Unpaid 12/1/18
Water Unpaid 12/1/18

Paid in December
Billed in December
Unpaid 01/1/19
$7,093.76 (reassessed on January water bills)

It was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Mayor Guido, unanimously carried, to accept the report as given.


            Dave Hajczewski has talked to Job Corp about assisting in replacing sidewalks.  They will not come to Cherry Valley due to the distance from Oneonta.  Dave Hajczewski had an incident with the dump truck while plowing by the Well House this past weekend.  An incident report has been filed with the Village Clerk-Treasurer.


            A new Sexual Harassment policy was presented to be in compliance with the 2018-2019 State Budget.  A motion was made by Trustee Feulner, seconded by Mayor Guido, unanimously carried,
            RESOLVED to accept the Village of Cherry Valley Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy as presented and to eliminate the previous Prohibition of Sexual Harassment or Any Harassment policy of March 16, 1997.

            Training will be arranged with the trainer from Otsego County at a later time in the Spring so staff and board members should be able to attend.


            Discussion will be tabled until the next meeting to allow time to gather prices and determine how many flags would be purchased.


            The following budget requests were discussed: a new sweeper and snow blower for the DPW, finish paving the Alden Park path, replace some sidewalks, repair Church and Lancaster Street, $1.00 per hour raises for staff and a six panel solar array at the Well House.


            The Village of Cherry Valley has been designated as a Clean Energy Community.  The village will be receiving a check in the amount of $5000.00 for this designation and will now be eligible to apply for grants from NYSERDA when they become available. 


            Clerk-Treasurer Herr reported that the CVCFC will not be looking for an increase in the rent for the Village Office for the next fiscal year.  A new lease will need to be done as the payment will change from monthly to once a year.

            Trustee Feulner asked that the snow in front of the Rose and Kettle be removed when the rest of the snow in the business district is removed.


After review by the board, it was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Mayor Guido, unanimously carried to make payment on bills and budget amendments and modifications as follows:

General Fund
Ch. #’s 13354-13392
Water Fund                                            
Ch. #’s 13354-13392
Total Fund
Ch. #’s 13354-13392
Trust and Agency Fund
Ch. # none & auto deductions

Budget Modifications
To                                                                    From                                                              
A8160.4                      $5.00                           A1990             $5.00
(due to increase in Solid Waste Fee from Otsego County)

Budget Amendments
From                                       To                                                        To                                          


            The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Mayor Guido, unanimously carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy S. Herr, Clerk-Treasurer
January 28, 2019

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