October 2014 Minutes


October 20, 2014

The meeting was opened by Mayor Kevin J. Flint at 7 p.m. In attendance were Trustee Louis A. Guido, Jr., Trustee Edward A. Harvey, Clerk-Treasurer Dorothy E. Johnson, Attorney Dennis B. Laughlin, Interim DPW Superintendent David R. Hajczewski, and resident Wayde Clapper.


The first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes, as sent to all board members in written form.

It was upon motion of Trustee Guido, seconded by Trustee Harvey, and unanimously carried,

RESOLVED, to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as written.


Checking Account 10/1/14 Balance

General $156,606.83
Water 28,970.34
Total Fund $185,577.17

Trust & Agency $262.98
Savings Accounts 10/1/14 Balance

Water System Repair Reserve $ 2,890.58
Cemetery Capital Reserve 11,142.73
Unemployment Insurance Reserve 5,173.06
Water Debt Service Reserve 22,501.72
Parks & Recreation Reserve 8,482.63
Sidewalk Repair & Replacement Res 233.45
James Wait Basketball Court Fund $3,675.19

Water /Taxes                                  Unpaid Taxes 9/1/14

Water billed 9/1/14 11,525.88           21,818.42

Paid in September 844.80                       577.16
Unpaid 10/1/14 10,681.08                 21,241.26
After discussion, it was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Guido, unanimously carried,

RESOLVED, to accept the report as given.
Wayde Clapper, Lancaster Street complained that the Interim Superintendent David Hajczewski gives him a hard time and has ignored the leaves that he has put out for pickup. Mr. Hajczewski denied the allegations.

After discussion the matter was resolved.
Tree Removal – Permission was requested to remove the trees on top of the Cannon vault in the village cemetery. Attorney Laughlin will notify the Cannon family that they may have the trees taken down as long as they have proof of liability insurance, they take responsibility for any damage to the grounds of stones, the trees are not dropped into the cemetery, and the trees are cleared out of the cemetery after they are removed.
Mayor Flint also mentioned a Maple tree by the Lodinsky residence in the cemetery that is in need of attention again. It has been trimmed in the past but is split. The Superintendent will contact Mr. Waterfield, Timberworks to check on the tree again.
Roof Repairs – It was upon motion of Trustee Guido, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried, to transfer $318.52 from the Cemetery Reserve Savings to the checking, to pay for the materials for the new roof on the storage building in the cemetery.
Gray Water – Draining onto street

Both homeowners have taken care of the problem.

There does not appear to be as many dog problems as previously reported. The town board met with the Dog Control Officer as well as Mrs. Saba to again discuss the matter.
Ashford Driveway

Mr. William Ashford, Church Street has again asked to have his driveway sluice repaired. According to Trustee Guido, the Ashfords have been parking two wide in the driveway, apparently driving over the edges and causing them to crush down. The board therefore decided that they will do nothing with the culvert at this time.

After discussion, it was decided to keep part time Cemetery Maintenance worker on until November 15, at which time the cemetery is closed.

Mayor Flint asked the Superintendent to get stocked up on water meters and other supplies he may need. Dave said he is meeting with a representative from Ferguson soon to check on meters. The meters we have are no longer sold.

Superintendent Hajczewski suggested putting a no parking notice in the Pennysaver. This has been done in the past and may help. He has put several notices on vehicles regarding no parking on streets during the winter months. Eventually the vehicles will be towed if the owners do not comply.
A discussion was held regarding possible replacement of the truck.
Mayor Flint said he definitely wants to have Montgomery Street paved next year.
Trustee Guido inquired about the status of the bridge that needs to be rebuilt (leading to Alden Field). The mayor said we still need to get the blocks to build the header.

The Clerk mentioned the possibility of adding a surcharge to utility bills, which has been suggested by the Conference of Mayors in the past, to help raise money toward taxes. This will be discussed at a later date.


As there are no vacancies coming up, there is no election in 2015.


The copier which is ten years old has been in need of a lot of repairs.

Therefore, the Clerk has gotten quotes on the purchase of a new Xerox copier as follows:

Apex Document Services ……………… $899.00
Hummels Office Plus ………………….. 1,057.00

Board members upon motion of Trustee Guido, seconded by Trustee Harvey, resolved the Clerk may purchase the copier from Apex when it is needed.
After review by the board, it was upon motion of Trustee Guido, seconded Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried,

RESOLVED to make payment on bills as follows:

General Fund Ch #’s 10919 - 10964 $17,470.80

Water Fund " 16,136.85

Total Fund $33,607.65
Trust & Agency Fund, Including deductions – Social Security, Medicare, Federal, Retirement Ch # 1823 - 1825 .... $3,328.26
The meeting adjourned upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Guido at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dorothy E. Johnson,
Clerk-Treasurer - 10/27/14

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