January 2009 minutes

January 21, 2009

The meeting of the Cherry Valley Village Board opened at 7:00 p.m., Mayor Jeffrey S. Stiles presiding. In attendance were Trustee Edward A. Harvey, Clerk-Treasurer Dorothy E. Johnson, Department of Public Works Superintendent Kelly J. Wright, Michael Fuelner and Pattie Engel, Artworks, Dennis Laughlin, and Tim Parsons and Bob Carey of the Mang Insurance Agency.


The first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes, as sent to all board members in written form.
It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Mayor Stiles, unanimously carried,
RESOLVED, to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as written.


Fund Checking Account Balance
Village General Fund $100,645.95
Water Fund 2,576.84
Total Fund $103,222.79
Trust & Agency Fund $ -0-

Fund Savings Account
Water System Repair Reserve $ 1,262.33
Cemetery Capital Reserve 12,713.97
Unemployment Insurance Reserve 6,930.38
Equipment Reserve 2,872.75
Capital Water Debt Service Reserve 48,285.48
Parks & Recreation Reserve 1,907.98
Sidewalk Repair/Replacement 530.43

Unpaid Water
Unpaid 12/1/08 $9,860.28
Paid in Dec. 2,084.06
Unpaid 1/1/09 $7,882.22 To January Bills

Billed Jan. 1st - $54,486.10

It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Mayor Stiles, unanimously carried to accept the report as read.

MANG INSURANCE AGENCY – Insurance Representative

Mr. Parsons and Carey explained their program as insurance representatives, at no cost to the village. After discussion, it was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Mayor Stiles, unanimously carried,
RESOLVED, to appoint the Mang Insurance Agency as our sole insurance representative with respect of coverage provided by CDPHP or other health insurance.


Artworks – Mrs. Engel spoke for the Artworks group, asking the village for certain items they would like put into the lease. It was decided to remove part of the shed in the back to make room for the septic system. The group asked if the building were ever sold to another party, could they be compensated for any money they put into the building. Trustee Harvey said he thought that would be fair as long as the costs were pro-rated. The group would like to have a spring fund raiser in the building so people could actually see what is to be done. The proposed time for the lease is 15 years.
Other items as well were discussed, to be put in the lease agreement.

Legion Lease – Trustee Harvey reviewed a rough draft of a lease to be drawn up between the American Legion and the village. He will go back to legion members to finalize the draft prior to sending it to Attorney Green for preparation. Legion members are to obtain prices for a propane heater for the rooms. Mayor Stiles said he will donate the plumbing that is needed.


All bills to date, ($1,803.99) have been sent to the insurance carrier.


No signs completed.


Inspector Hired – Republican Democrat
Claudine Haig Santa Morris
Kathryn Lane Shirley Guanu
Alternate – Delores Weeks Alternate – Betty Lodinsky

Caucuses – To be held:
Democrat Republican
Sat., 1/24/09 @ 1am Sat., 1/24/09 @ 4pm
Village Office Village Office
2 Genesee Street, CV 2 Genesee Street, CV

Registration Day
Registration for village voters will be held at the Village Office, 2 Genesee Street, Cherry Valley on Saturday, March 7, 2009, hours 12 noon to 5 pm.


The Clerk called as no word has been heard since the request to amend the contract was sent in. According to the authority all contracts are on hold and we should hear from them by the beginning of February.

TOWN OF CV – Shared Services

The meeting between the town and village was re-scheduled to March 16th, the next village meeting.


Purchase of Adjacent Land – A letter from Kevin Yerdon, Regen Land Surveying sent a proposal for survey. The cost of the survey will be $1,060.00. After discussion, it was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Mayor Stiles, the survey will not be done at this time. The Clerk will contact Attorney Green to have him go ahead with the transfer agreement.


It was unanimously agreed to move the February meeting back to its original date of Monday, February 16th. The office will be closed during the day due to President’s Day.


A discussion was again held about the village purchasing a truck and hiring a part time person to pick up the garbage. The Clerk spoke with the insurance agent and was told that the price wouldn’t increase except for due to the increase in the budget. Also, she contacted NBT Bank regarding funding. Attorney Green is to be contacted to prepare the wording of a resolution to bond (Statutory Installment Bond) the money to purchase a truck. The Superintendent is to be looking for a truck. He found a compactor that we may possibly be able to purchase at a reasonable price (about $2,500). The compactor is to be placed online for bidding.


Mr. Laughlin said he appreciated the snow removal done in front of his business. Mayor Stiles thanked the Superintendent for the good job he and Mr. Hajczewski have been doing. The Clerk also noted that the end of her street, which is dead-end was cleared very well and thanked the men.


The dump truck is still not repaired. There is a problem with the box going up and down.


Mike Harrington, Lamont Engineers will be asked to attend the next meeting to discuss a proposal on a sewer study.


After review by the board, it was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded Mayor Stiles, unanimously carried,
Resolved, to make payment on bills as follows:

General Fund Ch #’s 7551 - 7598 $23,021.35
Water Fund “ “ 3,764.58
Total Fund $26,785.93
Trust & Agency Fund Ch #’s 1428 -1433 $ 1,889.24

It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Mayor Stiles, unanimously carried to close the meeting at 8:50 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dorothy E. Johnson
February 4, 2009

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