January 2025 Village Board Meeting Minutes


January 20, 2025

Meeting opened at 6:30 PM by Mayor Guido with the Pledge to the Flag. In attendance were Mayor Louis Guido, Trustee Edward Harvey, Trustee Ian Feulner, Melissa Gregory Clerk-Treasurer, and Wayne Valentine, DPW Superintendent.

Approval of the December minutes as members received in final written form. It was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried, to accept the minutes as written.


Checking Account


12/31/24 Balance







Total Fund



Trust & Agency



Village of Cherry Valley Baseball League



Savings Accounts     


12/31/24 Balance

Water System Repair Reserve



Cemetery Capital Reserve



Unemployment Insurance Reserve



Water Debt Service Reserve



Parks & Recreation Reserve



General Fund Savings









Taxes Unpaid 12/1/2024

Water Unpaid 12/1/2024


(collect. ended/preparing for 1/25 bills)

$0.00 (sent to the county on 11/14/24)

Paid in December


(collect. ended/preparing for 1/25 bills)

$0.00 (sent to the county on 11/14/24)

Adjusted in December


(collect. ended/preparing for 1/25 bills)

$0.00 (sent to the county on 11/14/24)

Billed in December


(collect. ended/preparing for 1/25 bills)

$0.00 (sent to the county on 11/14/24)

Unpaid 1/1/2025


(collect. ended/preparing for 1/25 bills)

$0.00 (sent to the county on 11/14/24)

It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried, to accept the report as given.


DPW Superintendent Valentine reported that they are trying to conserve their use of rock salt and only use it when absolutely necessary. He reported that the prices keep going up for salt and he is continuing to look for other places to purchase from.


            Clerk-Treasurer Gregory reported that the board will need to approve four election inspectors for the March 18, 2025 election. A list of candidates was provided to the board and Clerk-Treasurer Gregory will be contact them this week.


            A discussion was held about dissolving the Village’s part in the joint planning board with the town.

            It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried,

            RESOLVED to accept that the Village of Cherry Valley will dissolve their affiliation with the Town of Cherry Valley in regards to the Village being part of the Joint Planning Board, as of the date of this meeting and letter of official notice sent to the Town of Cherry Valley, Supervisor Garretson.


            Clerk-Treasurer Gregory and DPW Superintendent Valentine brought it to the attention of the board that the Village’s emergency plans are not as up to date as they should be. It was decided to share the information with the new board, come April 1, 2025, and for a new/updated document to be created at that time.


            Clerk-Treasurer Gregory reported that “Reis Insurance Company” provided a quote for the Village’s general insurance. At this time, the quote amount is above what our current insurance company, Selective (through NFP) has provided a quote for.

            With the current quote and new policy it was determined that we can contact NFP to have the OCP and Terrorism Policies removed.


            Clerk-Treasurer Gregory reported that a part-time resident of the area has generously donated $2,500 to be used as we see fit in terms of Village holiday décor.

She also reported that the office will be switching from using “Thunderbird” as our main email, to Gmail. This full switch will take place gradually and all associated contacts will be appropriately informed.

            Clerk-Treasurer Gregory noted that she is beginning to look into other software/programs for the Village to utilize to begin digitizing more of our records and being even more compliant with NYCOM. To keep with NYCOM’s standards and regulations, she’ll also be contacting them to get approval to start completing payment online via EFT.

            The EV Chargers conversation continues and Mayor Guido has asked Clerk-Treasurer Gregory to reach back out to our contact with ChargeSmartEV about options for switching the chargers over to pay by use ones.


After review by the board, it was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried, to make payment on paid bills and budget amendments and modifications as follows (including Ch. #’s 16314-16366 and EFT#24):

General Fund

Ch. #’s 16367-16411


Water Fund                

Ch. #’s 16367-16411


Total Fund

Ch. #’s 16367-16411


Trust and Agency Fund Total



Agency Fund (Baseball League Fund)



Budget Modifications 2024-2025

To                                                     From                           

A1325.4       $3,000.00                    A1990             $3,000.00


The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried.


Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Gregory, Clerk-Treasurer

February 14, 2025





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