October 2024 Village Board Meeting Minutes


October 21, 2024

Meeting opened at 6:30 PM by Mayor Guido with the Pledge to the Flag. In attendance were Mayor Louis Guido, Trustee Edward Harvey, Trustee Ian Feulner, Amy Herr Clerk-Treasurer, Melissa Gregory Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, Wayne Valentine, DPW Superintendent, and Jill Poulsen, Esq. Also in attendance was Larry Kroon.

Approval of the September minutes as members received in final written form. It was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried, to accept the minutes as written.


Checking Account


09/30/24 Balance







Total Fund



Trust & Agency



Village of Cherry Valley Baseball League



Savings Accounts     


09/30/24 Balance

Water System Repair Reserve



Cemetery Capital Reserve



Unemployment Insurance Reserve



Water Debt Service Reserve



Parks & Recreation Reserve



General Fund Savings









Taxes Unpaid 9/1/2024

Water Unpaid 9/1/2024




Paid in September



Adjusted in September



Billed in September



Unpaid 10/1/2024



It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried, to accept the report as given.

Larry Kroon

            Larry Kroon from the Cherry Valley Masonic Lodge shared a presentation on suicide, especially for that of our country’s veterans. The Masonic Lodge has been working on a project to increase awareness of such suicides and with the help of the Milford BOCES students, would like to donate and place a bench in the village. The bench will have a plaque on it with information, including the “988” number to dial for those in crisis. The board, along with Mr. Kroon, decided the best location for the bench would be near the village gazebo.


DPW Superintendent Valentine reported that the Village’s 2016 Ford F350 dump and plow truck is in need of some major repairs. The board discussed the pros and cons of fixing the truck versus starting the process of seeking bids.

It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried,

RESOLVED to accept that the Ford F350 be taken in for repairs as needed.

DPW Superintendent Valentine also reported that he has made multiple attempts to reach NYSDOT to come and remove their signs from the paving project over a month ago. He stated he has had no success in getting in touch and/or speaking with anyone.


            Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Gregory reported on receiving information from Mr. Kurt Vanspanje, a local mason, for repairs to the cemetery gate. Mr. Vanspanje’s quote was for $2,250.00 which includes parts and labor. Further conversation is to be had to discuss the full details of what the quote includes. Once these details have been revealed, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Gregory will send the information along to the vault company for reimbursement of the work.


            DPW Superintendent Valentine, Clerk-Treasurer Herr, and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Gregory reported that the Lead and Copper report has been completed and sent to NYSDOH. Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Gregory shared the partially filled in template letters, asking for input on one area that needed clarification. After discussion, the board unanimously agreed to have Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Gregory make further contact with NYSDOH for clarification.

            To comply with the public education requirements from NYSDOH, it was reported by Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Gregory that Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Bouboulis has been working with the village library to set up a display with literature for both adults and children. To add to the display at the library, as well as to bring to the health center, the village will be purchasing informational brochures about lead and copper.


            DPW Superintendent Valentine reported that the American flags that have been hung up over the spring/summer months have already ripped/been torn by the wind and that new ones will need to be purchased. Clerk-Treasurer Herr stated that Carrot-Top Industries, Inc., has a sale on flags every year during March. Mayor Guido asked for this to be tabled until we are closer that time.


            Upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried,

RESOLVED to appoint Melissa Gregory position of Clerk-Treasurer

            Upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried,

RESOLVED to appoint Amy Herr to the position of Deputy Clerk-Treasurer.


            A resolution was brought to the meeting for the purposes of accepting Jill Poulson’s offer to purchase 8 Genesee Street.

            Upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried,


At a Regular Meeting of the

Village Board of Trustees,

Village of Cherry Valley, held on

October 21, 2024 at 6:30 PM





In the Matter of Adopting a Negative Declaration

Of Significance Pursuant SEQRA and Approving

Sale of 8 Genesee Street


WHEREAS, the Village of Cherry Valley (the “Village”) is the owner of 8 Genesee Street (Tax Map No. 58.13-1-31.00) (the “Property”) pursuant to that decision and order rendered by the Supreme Court, County of Otsego, Hon. Brian D. Burns, Supreme Court Justice dated August 16, 2024, declaring the Property abandoned and directing that the Property be transferred to the Village; and

WHEREAS, the Village has determined that the property requires substantial rehabilitation and repairs so that it is no longer abandoned; and

WHEREAS, Village Law Section 1-102(1) grants the Village the power to sell and convey real property as the purposes of the Village may require; and

WHEREAS, the Village received an offer from Jill Ann Poulson (“Purchaser”) to purchase the Property for Twenty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($22,500.00), cash offer, with a representation that the Purchaser will use reasonable efforts to renovate/restore the Property within Twelve (12) to Twenty-Four (24) months from closing and the Property will be returned to the Village tax rolls as a 1-family residential dwelling; and

WHEREAS, the proposed sale of the Property (the “Action”) is not subject to public bid or hearing so long as it is a bonafide sale; and

WHEREAS, consistent with 6 NYCRR 617.7, the Village Board thoroughly considered the reasonably foreseeable potential environmental effects resulting from the proposed sale of the Property; and

WHEREAS, the Village Board considered the criteria set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.7, and has identified the relevant areas of environmental concern; and

WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined none of the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed sale are significant.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this determination of significance shall be considered a Negative Declaration made pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Laws and the Village hereby determines that the requirements of the regulations promulgated under SEQRA at 6 NYCRR 617.7 have been met; and it is

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village Board hereby determines that the sale of Tax Map Parcel No. 58.13-1-31.00 will not result in significant adverse environmental effects, and that no environmental impact statement or further SEQRA consideration is required; and it is

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the facts and reasons supporting this determination are as follows:

1.      There will be no change in the intensity of the use;

2.      The sale will promote redevelopment of a residential property and water rate user;

3.      The proposed sale of the Property:

(a)               will not result in a material change in the use or intensity of use of the land;

(b)               is consistent with the community character;

(c)               will not change traffic levels or have a negative impact infrastructure;

(d)               will not impact public or private wells or water supplies or septic systems;

(e)               will not impact historic, archaeologic, architecture or aesthetic resources;

(f)                will not have an adverse impact on natural resources (wetlands, waterbodies, etc.);

(g)               will not result in an increase in erosion, flooding or drainage;

(h)               will not cause a hazard to environmental resources or human health;

(i)                 will not have an adverse impact on any Critical Environmental Area or the environmental characteristics of the neighborhood.


FURTHER RESOLVED, that based upon the Village Board’s review of the conditions set forth in the proposed purchase offer submitted by Purchaser, the purchase offer is the best price obtainable and the proposal to renovate and restore the Property within 12-24 months is in the public’s interest. Considering the purchase offer and the amount of money that will be required to renovate the structure, the purchase offer is adequate and the renovation work will yield the most benefits to the Village residents; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mayor Louis A. Guido is authorized to sign such papers so as to effectuate the sale and transfer the property to Purchaser, including the deed and any required transfer tax forms; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the purchase and sale is subject to that certain Memorandum of Understanding with Otsego County, which portion of the proceeds shall be directed to the County consistent with that Agreement; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately.

[certification of Resolution]

WHEREUPON, this Resolution was declared adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Cherry Valley:

            Trustee Feulner so moved; Trustee Harvey Seconded, and the Board of Trustees voted as follows:


Trustee Edward Harvey                      yes

Trustee Ian Feulner                             yes

Mayor Louis A. Guido                       yes


STATE OF NEW YORK                   }

COUNTY OF OTSEGO                    }


            I have compared the preceding copy with the original Resolution on file in this office adopted by the Village Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held October 21, 2024, and I DO HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original.  I further certify the vote thereon was as follows:


MEMBERS PRESENT               MEMBERS ABSENT                        VOTE


Trustee Edward Harvey                                                                  yes

Trustee Ian Feulner                                                                         yes

Mayor Louis A. Guido                                                                   yes


Witness my hand and the seal of the Village of Cherry Valley, this 21st day of October 2024.



                                                                   MELISSA F. GREGORY

                                                                    VILLAGE CLERK-TREASURER





            In an effort to support the local school district’s high school students needing volunteer hours for graduation, the Village has once again offered to work with willing students. As of mid-September, there has been interest by two students. The school district needs consent forms from our office before students can come and work with us. Attorney Poulson brought some recommendations to the table of what the student volunteers should/should not be allowed to do while under our supervision and per our insurance. Many ideas were discussed however, further details need to be considered.


            A letter was received from Deb Mackenzie, Otsego County Historian, in regards to “America250”, the celebration of America’s 250th birthday. Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Gregory read the letter to the board. Further clarification on the matter is needed and it will be tabled until the next meeting.


            Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Gregory reported to the board about the closing of the Cherry Valley Fire Department Emergency Squad, to take place January 1, 2025.   


After review by the board, it was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried to make payment on bills and budget amendments and modifications as follows:

General Fund

Ch. #’s 16245-16290


Water Fund                

Ch. #’s 16245-16290


Total Fund

Ch. #’s 16245-16290


Trust and Agency Fund Total

Ch. #’s 2059 & Auto deductions


Agency Fund (Baseball League Fund)

Ch. #


Budget Modifications 2024-2025

To                                                  From                                                

FX8340.42           $3,000.00        FX1990           $3,000.00

FX8340.42           $360.00           FX8340.41         $360.00

A1410.1             $6,700.00          A1900             $6,700.00

Budget Amendments 2024-2025

From                                                    To                                            


The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried.

Respectfully Submitted,


Melissa Gregory, Clerk-Treasurer

October 22, 2024


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