November 2024 Village Board Meeting Minutes


November 18, 2024

Meeting opened at 6:30 PM by Mayor Guido with the Pledge to the Flag. In attendance were Mayor Louis Guido, Trustee Edward Harvey, Trustee Ian Feulner, Melissa Gregory Clerk-Treasurer, Wayne Valentine, DPW Superintendent, and Jill Poulsen, Esq. Also in attendance was Noelle Adamoschek.

Approval of the October minutes as members received in final written form. It was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried, to accept the minutes as written.


Checking Account


10/31/24 Balance







Total Fund



Trust & Agency



Village of Cherry Valley Baseball League



Savings Accounts     


10/31/24 Balance

Water System Repair Reserve



Cemetery Capital Reserve



Unemployment Insurance Reserve



Water Debt Service Reserve



Parks & Recreation Reserve



General Fund Savings









Taxes Unpaid 10/1/2024

Water Unpaid 10/1/2024




Paid in October



Adjusted in October



Billed in October



Unpaid 11/1/2024



It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried, to accept the report as given.

Noelle Adamoschek

            Noelle Adamoschek attended the meeting to give an overview of the upcoming “Cherry Valley Holiday Weekend” on 12/6-12/8/2024. A handout was provided with the outline for each of the three days.


DPW Superintendent Valentine reported that the Village’s Well House is in need of some upgrades and repairs, especially to the electronics. Aqualogics provided a quote which was shared with the board, and DPW Superintendent Valentine is currently waiting on a call back from the company to discuss next steps.

DPW Superintendent Valentine also reported that he and DPW Maintenance Worker Stacy Van Buren have been working to collect updated meter readings from residents. Residents are being notified as needed to address potential concerns from the DPW team. 


            Clerk-Treasurer Gregory reported that the Lead and Copper Consumer Notification letters were sent out today. Some adjustments to contact information was/will be needed before being sent.


            Further discussion was held about the Village’s efforts to support the local school district’s high school students needing volunteer hours for graduation. Attorney Poulson brought a sample consent form for review, and with Clerk-Treasurer Gregory the two will finalize a document to be sent to the school. It was agreed that we would like students to be very specific when reaching out to us as to what they would like to pursue. As of this meeting date, there are currently three students looking to pursue volunteer work with the Village. Clerk-Treasurer Gregory will be reaching out to the high school in the following weeks to finalize what students would like to do specifically. The board agreed that Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Bouboulis and Clerk-Treasurer Gregory could alter their hours accordingly, maintaining regular business hours though, to accommodate students as needed.


            Clerk-Treasurer Gregory reviewed the document to be sent to Otsego County in regards to unpaid Village taxes. This document will be signed and notarized accordingly before being sent to the county this week.


            Clerk-Treasurer Gregory reported that the Daily Star is in receipt of the notice to post about the offices to be filled and the terms thereof. Upcoming, the next date to note is that of Tuesday December 31, 2024; this is the first day that individuals may sign independent nominating petitions.


            Discussion was held in regards to the current workings of the Village’s website. It has been agreed that it doesn’t seem to have a smooth flow to it and it isn’t as user friendly as we would like. At this time, Mayor Guido will be looking into alternative options for the Village to change our website, including where the domain is held. At this time the Town of Cherry Valley has their information within our site and the plan is to carry them over with us when we make the transition.


            Mayor Guido presented the board with a resolution document, “Resolution in Support of Continued and Increased State Aid for Local Governments”. This document was reviewed and then sent to the following people as were listed on the document itself: Governor Kathy Hochul; Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins; Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie; Senator Peter Oberacker; Assemblymember Chris Tague; and the New York State Conference of Mayors (NYCOM).  

It was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried,

RESOLVED to accept that the resolution letter be sent to the above-mentioned parties.


            Clerk-Treasurer Gregory reported that the Village has been notified that we are eligible for a $10,000 no match grant from NYSERDA. Of the ten eligible project options that were provided, the board discussed that using the funding towards building heat pump upgrades would be the best option at this time.

            It was upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried,

            RESOLVED to accept that the funding application be made out to be used for building heat pump upgrades, specifically in the Well House.


            A representative from ChargeSmartEV came to meet with Mayor Guido, Trustee Harvey, and Clerk-Treasurer Gregory to discuss not only upgrades to the current EV charge station we have, but the potential of adding two more EV charger stations within the Village. Upon receipt of the proposal and further discussion, the board at this time has decided to hold off on pursuing full upgrades and additional charging stations.


            Tabled from October’s Board Meeting, a letter was received from Deb Mackenzie, Otsego County Historian, in regards to “America250”, the celebration of America’s 250th birthday. Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Gregory re-read the letter to the board. At this time, the board will not be signing the proclamation.


            Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Gregory read a thank you note from Michelle Bosma, sent to Mayor Guido, DPW Maintenance Worker Van Buren, and DPW Superintendent Valentine for their help with her water pipes.

            Attorney Poulson will be working on a letter to send to a resident regarding their property.

            Clerk-Treasurer Gregory reported that Casella has been in contact with her about the correct/incorrect way for residents to be putting out their garbage and refuse as there has been some issues recently. The board reviewed the notice and associated pictures and Clerk-Treasurer Gregory will be reaching out to residents as needed.   


After review by the board, it was upon motion of Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Feulner, unanimously carried to make payment on paid bills and budget amendments and modifications as follows (including Ch. #’s 16314-16334):

General Fund

Ch. #’s 16291-16313


Water Fund                

Ch. #’s 16291-16313


Total Fund

Ch. #’s 16291-16313


Trust and Agency Fund Total

Ch. #’s 2059, 2060, & Auto Deductions


Agency Fund (Baseball League Fund)

Ch. #


Budget Modifications 2024-2025

To                                                 From                                             


The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. upon motion of Trustee Feulner, seconded by Trustee Harvey, unanimously carried.


Respectfully Submitted,



Melissa F. Gregory, Clerk-Treasurer

November 25, 2024



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